Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Entry Six : Web Application


We are finally arrived our final learning outcome, web application. So, I would like to post about our final LO as my entry six. A web application is an application which is accessed by users over a network such as internet. It is normally used to display images, text, video, and data which can be stored and retrieved from server. Example of web application are website, Facebook .

Now, I would to explain a little about architecture of web application that I have learned in our classes. Web applicaition is commonly combination of script , client and server.


As a simple example for web application, I would to explain about website that we are familiar with. Website is the combination of web documents. Normally, we can see text and pictures in website. There are two types of website. They are static and dynamic website.

Static website are read-only website. It allows users to search and retrieve information and read it. Static website can only really be updated by someone with a knowledge of website development. As example , we can say that educational websites, and company websites are static websites. 

 Dynamic websites have interactions between people , software and data. It has ability for clients or users to upload documents.Normally, it can read and write. For example , e-commerce system, and Wikipedia are dynamic websites.

Moreover, I would to post about generation of web application. There are three generations in web application. The first generation is Web 1.0 which information displayed are very restricted. The second generation is Web 2.0 which is very popular nowadays because it allows users to interact with web.
The third generation is Web 3.0 which uses machine-based learning and reasonings.


Besides , we have learned also about seven components of Web 2.0. They are XML, AJAX, Tagging, Blogs, Wikis, RSS, and Pod-casting and video casting.The XML and AJAX are programing languages which used to develop website and the rest are applications.


Thursday, 18 July 2013

Entry Five : Internet


For entry five, I would like to post about Internet that we have learnt as our learning outcome five. Internet is an communication medium which connects people and organization all over the world. Normally, Internet is used to find or access information, to upload or download files, to share resources, to correspond or meet with people and to shop for products and to sell them.


Internet is originally  named as APANET ( Advanced Research Project Agency Network ) in 1969. When APANET is combined with other network in 1986, it became INTERNET.

There are many internet applications. Some applications are Email, Web, Internet Chat Room and VoIP.


Internet uses URL ( Uniform Resource Locators) in order to identify a web pages exact location. There are four part in URL which are transfer protocol, the domain name, path name and the file name.

In order to access the web, there are three basic necessary which are internet connection, internet service provider and internet software program called browsers.


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Entry Four : Database Management System ( DBMS )


   I would like to post about DBMS ( Database Management System) which I have learnt as four learning outcome in IT class in this entry four. First and foremost, I would like to explain what database is. Database is normally a place to store data and information. It is used to store , organize and control data in different organization.

Sample Database

There are two components of database which are data item and schema. Schema is the relationship among different entities in database system. It works by matching data and can be shown in the form of diagram.The are three type of schema. They are one to one , one to many, and many to many schema.

Diagram of three schema
Database architecture includes actual database , hardware to process and store data, software to manipulate the contents and people to administer the access, control the modification of data.
Sample Database Architecture

  Moreover, we have learnt three features or functions of DBMS. The first function is to allow users to create new database with DDL ( Data Definition Language). Another feature is to give users the ability to modify the data using appropriate language. The final one is to provide users with information.

  Besides, we have studied database models. It is also call data dictionary. There are four type of database models which are hierarchical database model, network database model, relational database model, and object relational model. We also have learnt about components of DBMS. There are six components which are field , record, table, key field, relational database and objects.

  We also have learned three basic database language which are DDL ( Data Definition Language ) used to create data, DML ( Data Manipulation Language) used to manipulate data, and SQL ( Structured Query Language ) used for retrieving specific data.