Saturday, 22 June 2013

APA Citaition Exercise


Erwin Van Der Man . (2000). Computer viruses. New Jersey: Prientice Hall.
Gower, C. (1999). Direction in conservation biology. Journal of animal ecology, 63(3), 215-244.

Rosazman Hussin (2007). Pelancongan global dan Kepentingan teknologi. Pemikir, 2(2), 189-207.

Razif Isamil (October, 2005). Desktop publishing in information marketing. PC Magazine, 21-23.

Rivin, B. E. (June 06, 2010). FCGH can support accountability for women’s right to health. Retrieved May 23, 2013, from

Seelan, S. (April 1-15, 2009). Living up to its names. Times, 21-23.

Waston, W., & Anderson, L. (1999). Sociology 2000. Boston: Boston.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Entry Two : IT and ICT

Hello ,
Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other.
Bill Gates

In my second entry, I would like to reflect back on what I have learned about IT (Information Technology ) and ICT ( Information Communication Technology ) during classes. Nowadays , people often call our era as information technology era. Information plays important role in the age of globalization.IT is any computer based tool that people used to work with information and to support the information and information processing needs of an organization. There are two concepts in IT which are IT architecture and IT infrastructure. IT architecture is a plan or map of information for an organization, and IT infrastructure is the physical facilities such as IT components , IT personal and IT services .

ICT is actually based on IT. It is the combination of the technology and media broadcasting in order to manage and process information. ICT plays very important role in our everyday life . ICT normally use in education, business organization, banking, government organization and so on. In the age of ICT , there is no one who do not deal with ICT.

Our Group Presentation : ICT in Everyday Life