Hello everyone,
Stephen HawkingI think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.
are you all? I am fine.For my today , I would like to share what we had
learnt about computer in week three. Actually, we had learnt so many
things during week three. The first thing I would like to share is
related to computer hardware.
this week , we all had learnt about the generation of computer. There
are five generations of computer . During the first generation , the
computer was created with Vacuum Tube. In second generation , computer was with Transistors. IBM 1401 is the type of second generation computer. For third generation , computer was normally with Integrated Circuit or so called IC. During fourth generation , computer creation was combinations of millions of transistors or VLSI/ ULSI
or very large-scale integration and ultra large scale integration.
Moreover , personal computer was also created in fourth generation. For
fifth generation , computer will be created with Artificial Intelligence which mean computer will be able to think and learn.
Besides , during week three, we had learnt about computer architecture.There are five components in a computer.They are Memory, Processor Control , Datapath , Input , and Output. In the memory , there are two parts which are control unit and arithmetic logic unit or ALU
that normally performs arithmetic and logical operations such as
addition , subtraction , multiplication , division , AND , OR , and NOT
, = , > , and < . There are two type of memory which are RAM and ROM. RAM means random access memory which hold data when power is just only ON
and it can do both read and write .
There are two types of RAM ; DRAM and SRAM . SRAM is normally faster
than DRAM . Another one , ROM means read only memory that can hold data permanently but it can be only read .
Moreover, there are six types of computer. They are Embedded computer , Mobile computer , Personal computer , Midrange severs , Mainframe computers , and Supercomputers .
Embedded computer is a miniature computer embedded into a specific product for a specific function.
Mobile computer fits on our hand , contain computing or Internet capabilities.
Personal computer is fully functioning portable or desktop computer , designed for a single user at a time.
Midrange servers are physically likes small cabinet , hosting data and programs available to small group of users .
computers are large space and powerful computers used to host a large
amount of data and programs available to a wide range of users.
Supercomputer is extremely powerful computer used for complex computation and processing.
, now I hope you guys will understand what is the computer hard ware
all about ! So, See u in next post ... Bye for now :-) .....
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